Sunday, April 24, 2011

Surprising Bird of the Week: Marshmallicus delicious delicious

The American Bird Conservancy has chosen a surprising species as its Bird of the Week:

Marshmallicus delicious delicious - a bird known to many at this time of year by its common name, The Peep.

Here's what ABC has to tell us about this species, which tends to flock at just this time of year:

Peeps typically make their appearance in the springtime, with numbers peaking in April. Despite their ubiquitous distribution and social nature, their migratory paths, wintering, and breeding areas are little known.

During their breeding season, Peeps can easily be found in suburban backyard habitats, where they lay clutches of colorful eggs in nests of brightly-colored plastic grasses. Adult and immature peeps can be quickly located by their sweet calls and neon plumage.

Scientists recognize only the familiar "yellow" form of peep; but there is currently support in the ornithological community for granting separate species status to the blue, teal, pink, and purple forms of Peep, currently considered color morphs.

Although Peeps are heavily consumed, their populations appear to quickly rebound in subsequent years and therefore they are not a species of conservation concern.

Enjoy this popular harbinger of spring!

Hope all my friends (feathered or not) have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

With love,

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